• Adjustable relief setting from 150 psi to 6000 psi
• Standard screw adjustment for relief setting
• SAE O-ring for gauging
• Pressure at “Y” is directly additive to relief setting

Solenoid-Loading Relief Valve
Provides relief function from “A to B” by connecting the “X” pilot to the “A” port of the valve insert (shown at left)or by connecting the “Z1” port to the “A” port (shown at right).
Using a standard directional control with flow from “P to A” in the de-energized condition will unload the valve. In the energized state the system will build pressure until the relief setting is reached. The valve can also be manually vented using the “X” SAE port.
The “Y” pilot can be connected to the “B” port but a separate drain connection is preferred. This configuration uses a 1:1 ratio insert.