• Adjustable relief settings from 150 psi to 5000 psi
• Standard screw adjustment for relief setting. Handknob available upon request.
• Removable NPT orifice plug options
• SAE O-ring port for access to NPT orifice and gauging
• Pressure at “Y” is directly additive to relief setting


Relief, Back Pressure, or Sequence Valve

Provides relief function from “A to B” by connecting the “X” pilot to the “A” port of the valve insert. The ‘Y’ pilot can be connected to the “B” port but a separate drain connection is preferred. This configuration uses a 1:1 ratio insert.

General Layout
DIN 24342 COVER - general layout

Sizes 25mm to 63mm (80mm now shown)

DIN 24342 COVER - size chart

* Orifices installed in “X” an “AP” ports only. Other orifice sizes and locations are optional

Order Code

DIN 24342 COVER - order code